This class is normally 15-20mins, it’s aim is to work the whole core, not just your abdominals. It targets the obliques, transverse abs and your lower back. 

In this short, intense class I  guide you through a series or core exercises including, planks, twists, crunches, and leg raises designed to give you a stronger core. Abs Armageddon is a great addition to any workout! It combines cardio with abdominal exercises to burn fat whilst strengthening ab muscles, helping to really give shape and definition to the abdominal area.

This class is a low impact class but will make you sweat. This class is suitable for all ages and abilities, especially those who struggle with back pain and need to strengthen the core. 

After a few weeks of attending Abs Armageddon core you’re guaranteed to notice a physical difference as well as a difference in core strength. Along with a toned and defined mid-section, you’ll also find your posture has improved, your metabolism has increased and your fitness levels are sky-high. Having a strong core can help alleviate back and shoulder pain, help build functional strength (for pulling, pushing and lifting, for example), and give you better overall balance and agility.



“Love to hate Abs Armageddon, I can always feel the individual exercises working all the ab muscles, always guaranteed to feel the benefits…usually the next day!”

“This class is such a challenge for me, but I love it.. it’s defiantly an area I need to work on”